H. cameleonis ‘Kinky Sinrise’
Blessed with hot red curls – kinky
and fiery flowers blushing bright,
tasty ’n slender chameleon leaves,
a wavy stem, upright and tender
arousing fantasies of feverish delight:
A guilty pleasure – one of a kind,
a feisty feast for the dirty mind.
An aphrodisiac – not easily found
with strong psychoactive properties
concentrated in them spiral tubers,
like truffles hiding underground.
An eyecatcher – rare and radical,
like a trip on the merry-go-round
in a bowl of fish and a rave ingredient
for pimping a spicy dish:
whee whee – whish whish
This Hamamelis variety is mind-blowing
providing us pleasure and heavenly bliss,
but no-no-no happy ending, it usually is!
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Yestoday’s Garden
Ooit ontwierpen we een plattegrond als navigatiehulpmiddel voor het multiversum van onze digitale tuin boomvol* symboliek, kromme-wegen* en recreatieve krachten gebaseerd op de vier elementen: aarde, water, vuur en lucht.
A. fontinius ‘Wells’
Towering high above the lotus ponds: rainforest greens – forked antler fronds...