Pieces of Paradise

ArtistWim WaumanTitleJuwitaYear2001SeriesPieces of Paradise (project 2001-2007)Sizeø 120 cmMaterialsLambda print, DiasecEdition3CollectionPrivate collectionsLocationKanawa Island, Flores, Indonesia

1. Juwita, 2001

Selected exhibitions featuring ’tondo images’ from the Pieces of Paradise project:

Open Studios, HISK, Antwerp, 2002
Spread in Prato, Dryphoto, Prato (IT) (curator: Pier Luigi Tazzi)
Dialogica: Wim Wauman & Hentie van der Merwe, HISK, Antwerp, 2002
Wim Wauman: The Conversation; Window store and gallery (by Walter Van Beirendonck), Antwerp, 2003
OUT 2002 (HISK graduates), Sint-Jorispand, Antwerp, 2003
Contour, De Garage, Mechelen, 2003
BIP – Biënnale de la photographie et de l’art contemporain, MAMAC, Liège, 2004 (Curator: )
Voorkamer, Lier (Curator: Peter Morrens)
Pieces of Paradise (Chapter I-V), CC Hasselt, 2006